From Struggles to Strength: Embracing Shared Truth in a Culture of Self-Reliance

In a culture that often encourages individualism and self-reliance, admitting vulnerabilities and seeking help can be challenging. However, at HUB, we believe in the strength of community and the power of shared truth. When we open up about our struggles and invite others to join us in carrying the weight, we create an environment of empathy, understanding, and collective problem-solving. The weight of challenges becomes more manageable and less overwhelming when we collectively shoulder the burden, transforming it from an individual struggle into a united front working towards a shared goal. 

HUB's commitment to embracing a different approach goes beyond our work methodology. It extends to our core principle of truthfulness, fostering an environment where honesty is valued within the studio, between leadership and team members, and in our interactions with others, both within and outside our community. However, telling the truth can be exceptionally difficult, particularly in a culture that discourages vulnerability and openness when facing personal struggles.

Last year, as our workload underwent a noticeable shift, fear crept in. Questions flooded my mind. Was this a sign of the impending recession? Was I to blame? What could be done to change the situation? I sought answers internally, initiating discussions with our leadership team. Setting a limit for myself, I vowed that if we reached that threshold, I would have an open conversation with the entire team. I never want to frighten anyone needlessly, nor do I believe in keeping people in the dark—surprises around job security never go over well.

However, as the new year arrived, nothing changed. While reports touted that the recession wasn't a significant concern, the broader economic circumstances undeniably affected HUB. Feeling isolated, the media bombarded me with stories of others' success, urging me to ignore the struggles faced by tech giants and downplaying the impact of bank failures. Meanwhile, our work seemed suspended, refusing to find solid ground.

Speaking the truth about our suffering is daunting. We often feel compelled to wear masks of strength and competence, even when we're internally struggling. Admitting our fears, challenges, and uncertainties can be uncomfortable and risky. We fear judgment, dismissal, or being seen as inadequate. Yet, it is precisely during these difficult times that speaking the truth becomes vital.

Fortunately, my connection with other industry leaders in Portland proved invaluable. I sent out an urgent email, a metaphorical 911 call, questioning if I was alone in this struggle. To my relief, I discovered that I wasn't alone; we simply never discussed such matters openly. We pretended everything was fine, silently enduring our suffering. However, knowing that others faced similar challenges alleviated self-blame and allowed me to approach the difficult decisions ahead with surrender rather than fear.

By openly sharing our journey, actions, and future steps, my team responded not with fear, but with solidarity. While they were certainly affected, we confronted the situation together. This experience taught us that sharing the burden not only lightens the load but also strengthens our team bonds. It fosters unity and reminds us that we are not alone in our challenges. Through open communication, active support, and a culture that values truthfulness, we can face any obstacle with resilience and determination.

So, let us continue to embrace the power of shared truth. Let's encourage one another to speak up when we're struggling, to ask for help when needed, and to extend a helping hand to our colleagues in their time of need. Together, we can navigate the most difficult circumstances, knowing that we are not carrying the burden alone.

-Lindsey Charlet (CEO/Founder)